
Top gateways – social media vs search by age (all countries)

Q10 : Thinking about how you FIND news online, which are the main ways that you come across news stories?

Base: All markets (n=11004)

Impact of device on the discovery of news: US

Q10 : Thinking about how you FIND news online, which are the main ways that you come across news stories?

Base: All US=2028 Tablet and Smartphone users US (n=187) News Lovers US (n=557)

Percent using news apps and web browsers by device (UK)

QS11a/b Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a MOBILE/TABLET, which of the following statements most applies to you?

Base UK : All who have accessed news via a smartphone in the last week (n=612) All who have accessed news via a tablet in the last week (n=340)